Random Thoughts…Part 1
I had an idea for this blog post. I was going to borrow a technique from one of the most impressive people I have ever encountered, Thomas Sowell. Doctor Sowell is a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. To …
Take the Shot
I was 14 years old. I was the point guard on our ninth-grade basketball team. We were playing a team from a neighboring town – a school that was five times larger than ours. The history of this matchup was a slaughter …
What You Need to Know for Job Interview Success
When being considered for a job, there are two ways that you can be assured of an offer. Convince the decision maker that with you as an employee they will have more money at the end of the year. Convince the decision …
Dr. Laura & The Pursuit of Clarity
William F. Buckley was the founding editor of a publication called National Review. He also hosted a TV program called Firing Line from 1966 to 1999 where he and another intellectual would have a deep and almost always insightful conversation for a …
Dear Seeking Wisdom
The short essay below comes from an advice column written by a lady who goes by Dear Sugar – her real name is Cheryl Strayed. Dear Sugar received a letter from a reader (who used the name: Seeking Wisdom) asking Dear Sugar …
Professional Development: Changing Your Behavior
Daniel Kahneman is the only psychologist to have ever been awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to science. When asked what he believed to be one of the best ideas ever generated by psychology, he responded with an insight that was …
YP Summit Negotiation Tactics [Video]
Blake and Brett spoke at the 2018 YP Summit on Negotiation Tactics – and explicitly discussed how anyone can save themselves $200,000 only by using words! If you want to develop additional professional and leadership skills like these, sign up for our …
Breakthrough the OK Plateau [Video]
Being competent is easy, but pushing through to achieve excellence is difficult. In this video Dr. Hoogeveen talks discusses the mindset you need to be great and why it has less to do with talent then you would think. Transcript: I was …
Active Listening Tips: Empathy First
Are you a great listener? Consider this question: how do you respond to a friend or colleague’s disappointment? When a colleague has a big sales meeting canceled; when a friend’s marital or valued personal relationship is dissolving; when someone you care about …
MindSet in Action: Negotiation Tactics [Video]
Blake and Brett presented at the YP Summit recently on Negotiation Tactics, and their insights and techniques have already started being put to good use by the attendees. Here’s how you can view the full video! Transcript: Brett and I were …
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