Culture Surveys: the Good and the Ugly
One of MindSet’s most often encountered cognitive blunders involves individuals or organizations who believe (or at least hope) that if they avoid acknowledging an issue or problem, perhaps it will just go away – and the worst of these offenders continue to …
Working Remote: The Price We Pay
I had a recent experience that has given me more pause regarding what we are losing by moving toward working remote. We had a 60 year old, experienced and talented extended family member come to our home for a visit. This is …
Engaged Employees – Good Grief, Charlie Brown!
For the past 20 years or so, it has been all the rage for companies to claim that they have a workforce comprised of “engaged employees.” Now I suspect some of you are as tired of this topic – or at least …
Converting Cosmos: The Pride Factor
MindSet teaches the importance of assessing where your colleagues fall on the Cosmo versus Local continuum. A Cosmo is someone who ties their ego to their title or their profession. A Local, in contrast, ties their ego to the success of the …
Employee Recruitment & Retention: The Right Path Seldom Taken
Recruitment and retention of talent is a huge challenge today for most companies. There are no easy fixes, and some candor might be helpful. Nothing will help a company address this worker challenge more than having outstanding supervisors throughout your company. Nothing. …
Want the Full Employee Performance Picture?
Some leaders fail to grasp the importance of opinion polling regarding how their staff is perceived. These leaders work from a premise that if they are happy with how their staff members are performing, then things are good…but such is not necessarily …
So You Have A Culture Code, Now What?
Most companies have a list of cultural values. The existence of such a listing is neither meaningful nor impressive unless the company can specify what it’s DOING with those values. A more current term for “values” is Culture Code – and it’s …
Survey Data Shows Higher Employee Morale
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, MindSet offered a free survey to help organizations monitor employee morale during the COVID-19 crisis. The survey report has helped executives better navigate through what has been, for many, challenging times. With more than 30 …
How to Work From Home: 9 Tips for Employees
Due to the current circumstances, many US workers are facing the challenge of working from home for the first time. For life-long office workers, working from home will feel like a major shift, but with the right approach working from home can …
Chief Culture Officer: Lasting Impact or Passing Fad?
Every company with more than 75 employees needs to have a Chief Culture Officer (CCO). Yes, that’s what I said, and I mean exactly that. Before you tune me out as a culture zealot who doesn’t understand the realities of running a …