The MindSet Survey

The ideal tool to measure, diagnose, and improve your company's culture

The MindSet Survey© was designed because we couldn’t find a survey on the market powerful, flexible, or action oriented enough for our clients. Our digital leadership assessment takes only 15 minutes for employees to complete, yet delivers a wealth of actionable data for your leadership team.

Early identification from routine check-ups can prevent chronic disease, and the same is true for your cultural health.  We help you benchmark how your employees feel about their jobs, their colleagues, and their work environment. Our survey will reveal growth opportunities for your organization.

All leaders do (and should!) follow their intuition when evaluating cultural health. However, our survey helps you identify which “gut feels” are individual events and which are team, department, or company wide trends.

We don’t just measure where your company is at with regard to overall cultural health. We then become your partner and help you navigate the path to a better culture. We do this through a process that often combines training, consultation, and coaching services.

If you take our survey regularly over time, you can determine the degree to which your organization’s culture is improving over time.  Additionally, with our Survey you can benchmark your cultural health against other companies.

Areas we Assess:

  • Job Satisfaction: Overall how satisfied are your team members with their job and why?
  • Measure Employee Pride: Employee Pride is a huge indicator of performance. We tell you where yours is at and why.
  • Assess Team Dynamics and Chemistry: How close are your employees with their colleagues and leaders? How well do your teams function?
  • Gauge Supervisor Effectiveness: Are your leaders developing your stars? Or driving them away.
  • Gauge Employee Confidence in Senior Leadership: Culture starts at the top, and we measure how employees feel about senior leaders.
  • And much more

Want more information about our MindSet Survey?

The Leadership Assessment Process


The MindSet Survey is a 10-minute leadership assessment that works to diagnose your company culture while revealing areas of strength and growth opportunities. The survey can help reveal which teams or groups within your company are succeeding and which could benefit from additional attention and planning.

Based on these findings, you can then create a plan for improvement – either internally or using one of our specially developed programs.

Most clients choose to run the survey on a regular interval (annually is most common).

What Sets Us Apart

Our MindSet Survey was designed to provide the data a CEO would want to know and understand about their current workforce.  We break down the data into useful divisions and other demographics. The info we provide is actionable, meaning it’s designed to give you information that you can do something with, not just confusing industry jargon.

survey process