We’re frequently asked, “What is a MindSet?” In this short video, Dr. Kim Hoogeveen, lays it all out.
Understandably, we sometimes are asked, “So what is a mindset?”. Well, obviously it’s the name of our company. But let me explain how we got to that name and what it means in terms of our leadership training. We sometimes say that the goal of our company is to give you a tour through the mind of exceptional leaders. We want to teach you what they know and how they think. Let me be a bit more specific at how we use mindsets to accomplish that goal.
There are two types of mindsets. The first is actually providing you with what we call an ‘insight’. With an insight, we want you to learn how leaders think. The second type of mindset is what we call a ‘technique’. A technique is what leaders do. When you put together how they think and what they actually do, then you’re in a position to create the kind of culture that can attract, build, motivate and retain great people. That’s what a mindset is.

Founder of MindSet, LLC.